( This is more or less complete the interview I did with Vasco Brondi during September of poets Seneghe. The piece was published today in part on Sarda).
While the lights of the power plant is one of the most important musical projects left out in the Italian music of the last three or four years, it is also true Vasco Brondi - Ferrara 25-year old behind the symbol - is failing to take on a dimension that goes beyond the records, tour of die must do that every musician who wants to carry around their music. For example, since time began concert to support "traditional" reading of that manage to keep his personal impression while working with a different in substance: cover, reading music of his and others' texts, a project created in the wake of his literary work, which began on the blog, then had a consecration with publishing the book "What to tell this fucking year zero", which came out first for the small publishing house in Bologna Modo Infoshop and then in 2009 to Baldini & Castoldi. Friday and Saturday night closed the festival in September seneghese poets with the peculiar spectacle, in readings of goodnight funtana Sa de sa fortress, surrounded by people of all ages in one location so intimate and rocky, with people sitting cross-legged on the floor during the reading focused listening. It is a show for voice (sometimes shouted, as in his style), guitar and loop machine, with texts chosen from that pool of reads and hears the songs that may belong in some way. In fact, sometimes the impression is that his lyrics: it's because singing and musical style are now highly recognizable brands. "I read things that just feel so much that they become part of what I write, getting through the way I express myself," says Vasco during montiferrino afternoon interview in the country, opposite the fountain in Piazza Deriu S'arruga de Partza de Cres. "Or some excerpts from my book of sketches and lyrics and songs I have in mind. I like to mix the reading to the songs because the show gets a different pace, and even when I do a concert I like to put in reading and cover. " Specifically, in two days brought Bbb seneghesi of CCCP, Ocean Rubber Afterhours, a wonderful version of The Sunday bodies of De André, but also managed to music of literary texts, averaging them with his vocal style and music. "For example, I read the last two pages of The Invisible Nanni Balestrini," says author Ferrara. "In those pages tells the attempt by some inmates to be heard out of a prison block, not realizing that there is no more outside the world they knew before. Beat of the strokes on the bars but the sound does not reach anyone at the end will only do so for themselves and for the guards. And when the show light up the torches light comes only, perhaps, to the motorway. " And then Leo Ferret's solitude: "I met him last year, is not one of those authors that you happen to run across. An old French anarchist who moved into retirement in the Chianti area and has translated some of his texts, very strong, in Italian. When I discovered I felt a Specifically, I would have wanted to write those words. "
Brondi Vasco is an author a little 'atypical punk singer-songwriter who has managed to say the words that have managed to enter the lexicon of youth and imagination musically grown over the years zero, continues to cultivate his passion for reading and writing . "The book is a work in a musical sense, and I think that record, book and new album out in one part of the trilogy." After all the writing is: imaginative, filled full of unexpected combinations, apparently disconnected. "In fact, it can seem that way, but also lives of those who are not, who does not speak only dell'istintuale rationality to our school, "try to think about Vasco. "These images can be surprising to a Westerner but able to evoke something immediately. But then I work so much when I say it's stream of consciousness, in short, it took me two years to write ten texts ...". Instinct and "carpenter", say, with the emphasis mainly on the first pole. "Writing is something I've always done and I have never tried to rationalize why. Asking me about my style is like asking me why I have this voice. Sure, I've worked on, but in reality I associate it a bit 'to my way of playing: so punk, without technical details, I pull out what I feel in the belly ". Then there is the discourse of the imaginary Vasco, on how those words and the instinct that pulls fail to converge within the recurring themes that are part dell'armamentario "concept" of his musical and literary discourse. "It's an important issue that is likely to be trivialized by saying that I speak of the slums, the suburbs, but it is not my goal," says Brondi. "It's the fact of seeing these places as places where our things happen, which for so many reasons not happen in the historic centers. The Italian cities have beautiful historic centers around but they are mainly developed peripheral spaces, which are the ones I like. The lights of power is the creation of a world that is real and the imaginary at the same time, with characters moving in - not necessarily myself - and I like the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuing to explore it, perhaps through the eyes of other people that may contribute to cooperate with other videos, music, graphics. It is a normal world: I think it's comforting to say that I'm talking about extreme situations or extreme things. There seem to be so only because the mainstream media ignores them. But our life is made of such situations, and are quite normal, it's just call a spade a spade. Speaking of the places where we live, people and their roles. " Meanwhile, a growing expectation for the new disc, due for release later this year and who has worked with musicians including Enrico Gabrielli. He did it quietly, without giving in to pressure and without worrying too much about the inevitable comparisons with that first record, Songs from the beach disfigured, which obviously has generated extremely high expectations for the new job. "I can not say that I have not raised the issue of waiting, they are certainly not waterproof, but I tried to work on the new hard trying not to be aware of the possible comparisons with the first," said Vasco. "I tried to detach myself and I have not even addressed the subject of a possible change. I put in a position to have nothing to lose, I have no problem to continue a career, I've been doing other things and I arranged to make them start over tomorrow. I do not make music to surprise the music criticism or praise me, I did what I wanted to do with even more freedom than before, because they are more conscious of what I do. Different things that are there are because I am different. The music is not made for a surprise, but for you hair-raising arm, to excite. "(Andrea Tramonte, Unione Sarda )
Brondi Vasco is an author a little 'atypical punk singer-songwriter who has managed to say the words that have managed to enter the lexicon of youth and imagination musically grown over the years zero, continues to cultivate his passion for reading and writing . "The book is a work in a musical sense, and I think that record, book and new album out in one part of the trilogy." After all the writing is: imaginative, filled full of unexpected combinations, apparently disconnected. "In fact, it can seem that way, but also lives of those who are not, who does not speak only dell'istintuale rationality to our school, "try to think about Vasco. "These images can be surprising to a Westerner but able to evoke something immediately. But then I work so much when I say it's stream of consciousness, in short, it took me two years to write ten texts ...". Instinct and "carpenter", say, with the emphasis mainly on the first pole. "Writing is something I've always done and I have never tried to rationalize why. Asking me about my style is like asking me why I have this voice. Sure, I've worked on, but in reality I associate it a bit 'to my way of playing: so punk, without technical details, I pull out what I feel in the belly ". Then there is the discourse of the imaginary Vasco, on how those words and the instinct that pulls fail to converge within the recurring themes that are part dell'armamentario "concept" of his musical and literary discourse. "It's an important issue that is likely to be trivialized by saying that I speak of the slums, the suburbs, but it is not my goal," says Brondi. "It's the fact of seeing these places as places where our things happen, which for so many reasons not happen in the historic centers. The Italian cities have beautiful historic centers around but they are mainly developed peripheral spaces, which are the ones I like. The lights of power is the creation of a world that is real and the imaginary at the same time, with characters moving in - not necessarily myself - and I like the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuing to explore it, perhaps through the eyes of other people that may contribute to cooperate with other videos, music, graphics. It is a normal world: I think it's comforting to say that I'm talking about extreme situations or extreme things. There seem to be so only because the mainstream media ignores them. But our life is made of such situations, and are quite normal, it's just call a spade a spade. Speaking of the places where we live, people and their roles. " Meanwhile, a growing expectation for the new disc, due for release later this year and who has worked with musicians including Enrico Gabrielli. He did it quietly, without giving in to pressure and without worrying too much about the inevitable comparisons with that first record, Songs from the beach disfigured, which obviously has generated extremely high expectations for the new job. "I can not say that I have not raised the issue of waiting, they are certainly not waterproof, but I tried to work on the new hard trying not to be aware of the possible comparisons with the first," said Vasco. "I tried to detach myself and I have not even addressed the subject of a possible change. I put in a position to have nothing to lose, I have no problem to continue a career, I've been doing other things and I arranged to make them start over tomorrow. I do not make music to surprise the music criticism or praise me, I did what I wanted to do with even more freedom than before, because they are more conscious of what I do. Different things that are there are because I am different. The music is not made for a surprise, but for you hair-raising arm, to excite. "(Andrea Tramonte, Unione Sarda )
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