in Italy has been slow a lot ', while in the U.S. started the phenomenon is long overdue. Why the caution?
In reality the issue a long time ago. The problem is the hardware: it speaks of eBooks from the early 2000s but still there was a device able to offer a product to it. The advent of next-generation eBook reader has turned the table and here in Italy the iPad has given the final jolt. It was the revolution that was expected. More and more people buy iPad people want to buy the content with which to fill it. Now publishers are structuring their business to deliver that content.
and the Mistral how he arrived at the turn digital?
In all the newsrooms began to come calling for proposals from various stores to adhere to the online sale of books in the catalog. Who with mature projects, some fairly improvised. In the end we decided to join Bookrepublic, a store dedicated to small and medium sized publishers, not related to the large publishing groups. But bind to a store does not mean giving the exclusive: we will all those entering the market. Edigio start soon and the group also will launch its Mondadori.
One hypothesis is the possibility of the emergence of new hybrid literary-based multimedia convergence. Written texts that could be integrated with movies, soundtracks, images, interactive tools ...
Surely there will be a multimedia development. But reading a book needs a sacrifice, attention and love. It's not like the music: in the meantime you can listen and do something else. In reading the book, both on paper and electronic, must immerse themselves completely. Always will. Born interactive products, but those who love reading in itself - because it has the "vice" - will continue to read in the traditional way.
eBooks will tend to supplant the printed book. At that point, one possibility is that we start to focus even more on the book as object, to a niche audience, through a design and editorial nice thought just for the fans.
The paper book will never die, because there will always be readers who will want to have the book in his hands. There will always be collectors who seek some kind of binding or paper. The eBook will lead to a particular selection. Who will read a book in electronic form may wish to have them available in paper, creating a library of their favorite books. And then develop a creative marketing to make them still want the paper book.
Now that anyone can put in your eBook network will still need the ability to select a publisher, a guarantee of a certain "taste" and a certain editorial identity.
Publishers will not die, indeed. There will always need a choice upstream of the proposed editorial. Who knows The Mistral is more or less know what books we choose, according to the history of our brand and our catalog. Rather, who will enter into crisis, in the long run, will be the big printing houses.
The web provides a way for smaller publishers to compete better with large media groups. The niches on the net are of great importance.
The thing that comforts me, according to Amazon, is that the eBook market for about 56 percent of small and medium American publishing. In the traditional market is difficult to make inroads. About 85 percent of large libraries is in the hands of large publishing groups. On the web there is a lot more space. Referring to the American market, which has a longer history, we are confident in the more democratic of the book market on the net. Tramonte Andrea, now in Sarda
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