But how Hipster pretend not to be There is a ruling of the Guardian that goes something like this: "In the autumn winter 2010/2011, if there is one thing being the most fashionable hipsters, the hipster is to laugh." It is contained in an article
Alex Rayner in the title asks, "why people hate the hipster" and browsing the blogs that target youth subculture that is the most controversial of the year zero. But who are the hipsters? And why is there so much animosity around them? Some features you can see a watermark in a hilarious comic strip published on the web,
Hipster Hitler , politically incorrect satire in which the German dictator is portrayed on the one hand combed forelock (aka emo bunch), retro-rimmed glasses, bike, t-shirts with slogans ironic (eg Eva 4 Eva, in slang, to read "Eva forever") and cardigan. In the cartoon Hitler is arrogant, a snob and has enough attitude that exaggerates its hierarchy. The death ray hurled against the enemy is to make them ashamed of their tastes cheesy. Takes issue with German athletes during a game show because of too much effort to get first. He complains to the doctor because he has contracted syphilis and syphilis have it all while he was hoping for a more rare disease such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Obviously joke, but one point is clear: the critics "do not know exactly what are the hipsters, but they know that they do not like them." In general descriptions that fix some of the general characteristics dell'hipsterismo we start from clothing. Mesh with V-necks from American Apparel (brand of), tight jeans, hats, cardigans and plaid shirts, vintage stuff, ironic mustaches or beards, lumberjack American (note: not necessarily use some of these things makes a person a hipster ). These are guys with a keen sense of fashion, very specific tastes in music (indie, above), hostile positions toward the mainstream culture, a real obstinate towards "authenticity" and a strong ironic attitude, which reveals itself in the appropriation of such scraps of pop culture and in their positive claims. I am deeply consumerist and treat their tastes so elitist. They seek novelty and discarded when it gets to the general public. They read "Vice Magazine", Parliament cigarettes they smoke and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, spinning bike, working in the field of fashion, music, art and marketing. Dell'hipsterismo bear the marks but do not accept that definition itself. Compose certain generic characteristics (which will not necessarily focus on any one individual and which may verge on the cliché), it is to understand why the hostility against them. Because while that may not like their representation is a cliché (snobbery, some taste in clothing too, the photos from "poser" that run on the network), there are those who articulates his criticism much more in depth. Collin Horgan
the Guardian for example seen in the hipster nothing more than a generation of consumers, a "manifestation of late capitalism that is nourished always shine in the here and now: an impatient crowd that has learned to discard the products faster than they had adopted. " And an article published a couple of years ago on
Adbuster pointed out that with the hipster counterculture "Has muteted into a self-obsessed Aesthetic vacuum" in an article entitled "Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization." None. (
Released some time ago in L'Unione Sarda )